Local SEO Management
Before you start optimizing your website for the search engines, you must put together a strategic search engine optimization plan. It will help you create your Local SEO goals and keep them in focus just in case the methods for search engine optimization change, and they do change all the time. You will constantly need to monitor and update your Local SEO activities.
The set Local SEO plan will show you where you need to concentrate at any given time. These days, none of the search engines focus on a single aspect of search engine optimization. It means you can’t focus only on keywords or getting lots of links; it will diminish the Local SEO effectiveness.
Therefore, you should consider your Local SEO plan a dynamic, constantly changing document you need to update. That’s where your Local SEO plan will help you stay on track and show you where you need to be with your search engine optimization efforts.
Reasons You Need Local SEO Management
Local SEO is the science of customizing elements for your website for the best possible search engine ranking. But it is not as simple as it sounds.
Both internal and external elements of the site affect the way it’s ranked in any given search engine, so you should consider all of these elements. Good Local SEO can be pretty challenging, but fantastic Local SEO can be almost impossible.
Why Is Search Engine Optimization Important?
Let’s say, if you’re standing in a crowd of thousands of people and someone is looking for you, how on earth will they find you? Everyone blends in a crowd that size.
But if there is a system that recognizes the difference and separates those groups of people. For instance, if you are a man wearing a yellow t-shirt and a woman wearing a blue dress, now they only have to look for you in half of that crowd.
We can further narrow down the group by adding additional filters until you have a small enough group to execute a search query, and that person can be easily found
Your website is much like that one person in a huge crowd. In the larger picture, your site is nearly invisible, even to the search engines that send crawlers out to catalog the Web. Certain elements must stand out to get your site noticed, even by the crawlers. And that’s why you need search engine optimization.
Sure your site will land in a search engine, and it’s likely to rank within the first few thousand results. But that’s just not going to get you any good results. Being ranked on anything, then on the first page, you will be invisible.
Most people won’t look beyond the third page if they get even that far. The fact is, those sites that land on the first page of search results get the most traffic, which translates into revenue, which is the ultimate goal for search engine optimization.
Getting On Top Position In Search Results
Your website must satisfy a set of criteria that not only gets your website cataloged but also get it cataloged above most of the other sites that fall into that categorySome of the criteria by which a search engine crawler ranks your site include:
- Anchor text
- Site popularity
- Link context
- Topical links
- Title tags
- Keywords
- Site language
- Content
- Site maturit
Did you know crawlers look through several hundred criteria before ranking your website by search engines? Some of those criteria have multiple points of view. For example, when looking at link context, a crawler might consider where the link is located on the page, what text surrounds it, and where it leads to or from
These criteria are also different in importance. For some search engines, links are more important than site maturity, and links have little significance for others. But these, we call them, algorithms are constantly changing. When finally you figured it out, the algorithm changed utterly.
By nature, many elements are likely to impact your website ranking, even when you do nothing to improve them. However, without your efforts, you are leaving your site’s ranking to chance.
That’s like opening a business without putting up a sign to let visitors know that you are open. Sure, you will get some traffic, but because people don’t know about you, it won’t bring you any significant sales that your business can survive on.
Setting Up Goals for Local SEO Management
It is essential to spend time with your Local SEO efforts to implement Local SEO strategies with set goals for what you want to accomplish.
You have to set your Local SEO plan goals around your business needs. For example, if you are a florist and your core business is built around weddings and arrangements for another celebration event, one way to increase your business is to invest time, money, and considerable effort into optimizing your website for local searches.
1. One of your most important goals should be to increase the traffic pointing to your website.
2. Another strong focus should be to increase your exposure to potential customers outside your geographic area.
3. You might want to turn your website into a store and focus your Local SEO efforts funneling your website visitors to make a purchase or, at least, have them sign up for special offers that you can promote to them in the future.
So before you even begin putting together a Local SEO plan, you first need to determine what goals you want to achieve with that plan. The more specific your project is, the closer you will come to hitting your goals.
For example, your goal to increase your website traffic is far too broad. That’s the overarching goal of any Local SEO plan. But, if you change that goal to increase the number of visitors who purchase for at least $30, you are much more likely to implement the Local SEO to help you reach those goals
Make sure your goals are specific and reasonable; otherwise, you can spend all your time and efforts chasing Local SEO and never accomplish anything. As mentioned before, search engines regularly change the criteria for ranking websites. For example, internal, incoming, and external links became a significant factor in Local SEO management.
However, links unrelated to your business will hurt your website ranking and your bottom line.
Today, link strategies are quite complex and must be followed by rules, or your website could be banned from some search engines due to spamming. However, with focused Local SEO goals, you’re more likely to have a balanced traffic flow, which will gradually improve your search engine ranking and organically, which is the point of doing Local SEO in the first place.
A word of advice, remain flexible with your Local SEO goals and plans so that you can grow with your business. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to revisit your Local SEO goals at least every six months, but preferably quarterly.
Setting Up A Plan For Local SEO
Once you have those goals in mind for your website, it’s time to create your Local SEO plan. The Local SEO plan is the structured document that will guide you to stay on track as you implement the Local SEO strategies for your website.
For the majority of business owners, the thought of implementing Local SEO for their website is overwhelming. Well, yes, it takes time, focus, and some knowledge.
Prioritizing Your Website Pages For Local SEO
Look at Local SEO in small, bite-size pieces. Instead of looking at your website as a giant, never-ending project, work toward your Local SEO goals page-by-page. Taking a step-by-step approach will help eliminate everything that needs to be done at once. It’ll make it possible for you to maximize your website’s potential in the minimum amount of time and organization.
Top priority pages are the ones that your visitors will mostly gravitate to, such as your home page. After that, continue with those pages that generate the most traffic or sales.
When prioritizing those pages, you create a roadmap for your marketing efforts. If three of the pages on your website are your top earners or attract the most visitors, those three will take up most of your time, efforts, and investment in Local SEO and marketing.
Do Website Assessment On Every Page
Again, assess each page individually rather than the site as a whole. In Local SEO, individual pages are equally important as the entire site. Your efforts are designed to rank one page above all others in search results. The importance of the page should be determined by your business’ needs.
With your Local SEO assessment, you must outline the current standing of the main Local SEO elements for each page. Assign columns for each element of the website you are assessing, the current status of that element, what needs to be improved in that element, and the deadline for improvement.
It is also helpful to have a check box next to each item that can be marked when improvements are completed and a column for follow-up because Local SEO is a never-ending process
Here are those elements that should consider during an assessment include:
Page tagging: The meta tags are crucial for your website to be listed correctly in search engines. The tags you should pay attention to are the title tags and description tags because these are one of the most important to search engines.
Page content: Content is still significant when it comes to search results. After all, your visitors are looking for specific information on your product or services
How fresh is your content? How relevant is it?
How often is it updated?
And how much content is there
If your content is weak, search engines will eventually ignore your website in favor of your competitors with fresher content. With one exception, if your content is rich but not very dynamic. Because of the usefulness of the content, your site will probably continue to rank well. But fresh and well-optimized content is the best and a must-have. No way around it!
Links to your website: Links are essential in Local SEO. Crawlers and spiders are looking at incoming and outgoing links on your website. In addition, they also look for links in the content, meaning the link must come from or lead to another site relevant to the page being indexed. Broken links are a massive problem regarding search engine ranking, so ensure they are still working.
Site maps: Believe it or not, site maps will help your website link more accurately. But this is not the site map you can create for quick navigation purposes. This site map is an XML-based document at the root of your HTML, containing all the information about URLs, last updates, page relevancy, and so much more.
XML site maps ensure that search engines index every page on your site. If you don’t have an XML site map, you must create one and ensure it is accurate and up to date.
Finalizing Your Local SEO Management Plan
With the site assessment out of the way, now you have a good idea of which area needs work and which are in good shape. Changes to the pages will require changes to your Local SEO Management efforts that you’re putting into place.
Your Local SEO plan is more than just a picture of what’s there and what’s not. Your business plan is where you tie everything together: current standing, marketing plans, investment capital, time frames, and others.
In this plan, you should have an area for background information, marketing information, strategies for growing the business, and plans for managing problems that may come up.
You’ll also want to include the strategies such as submitting your site and individual pages to directories and content to attract search crawlers. Also, include keywords marketing and pay- per-click advertising you plan to use.
Follow Up On Your Local SEO Plan.
Local SEO Management is not just a one-time project, as most business owners believe. You can’t just develop and implement a Local SEO plan and walk away from it. It’s an ongoing process that requires testing, monitoring, and often rebuilding.
Some companies will follow up and reassess their Local SEO Management plans twice a year, but it’s just not enough; if you want your efforts to be genuinely effective, do quarterly follow- ups.
One thing to keep in mind, it takes between three to six months to get a clear picture of how successful your efforts are. Before that, you could be chasing after an elusive Local SEO goal that doesn’t exist.
Give your plan at least three months but no more than six between checkups. Once you create the habit of re-evaluating your Local SEO efforts, it will be much less time-consuming than you assume.
The Goal Is Lots Of Organic Traffic From Your Local SEO Management Efforts
The definitions of organic Local SEO Management vary depending on whom you talk to. Some SEO experts think it’s all about optimizing the content of your pages to catch the attention of the crawlers and spiders indexing your website.
Others think it’s the number of quality backlinks you can generate for your site. But in truth, organic Local SEO Management combines those essential elements, such as site tagging and others, that will naturally place your website in search engine rankings. How high your website will show up in those rankings depends on how well you design your site.
But before you go thinking that organic Local SEO is just the solution you’ve been looking for, think again. It is not easy to show up in the top place in those search engine listings.
Essential elements like titles, URLs, included web links, and even some of the content could land you in a search engine. But the question is, where in the results will you show up?
Your pages will probably end up listed in the back of some search engines, even without too much time and effort from your end. Without strategic planning and focused attention, your website can get lost in the sea of other business listings.
It takes to implement naturally occurring elements to get the maximum results for Organic Local SEO. It would be best if you built upon each element to create a site that naturally falls near the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs).
Achieving good organic Local SEO results can take three to six months. Business owners are impatient to see results from their Local SEO efforts, which can seem like an eternity. But it’s worth the extra time and investment that will pay off in the long term.
Accomplish Long-Term Organic Local SEO
Achieving a constant flow of traffic from organic Local SEO Management for the long term takes time. It also takes targeting the correct elements of your website. You can spend much time tweaking your website, only to find that it still ranks below the third page of those search results.
If your attention is focused on the correct elements, however, you’ll find that organic Local SEO Management can be a reasonably effective method for higher search engine ranking.
However, combining a pay-per-click or paid keyword advertising program with your organic Local SEO Management can push your site to the top of the SERPs.
An excellent first step in search engine optimization is ensuring that your site’s organic elements are as optimized as possible.
How Important Is Your Website Content?
Website content is still an essential part of any website optimization strategy, despite some unethical SEO users who choose black-hat SEO techniques, such as keyword stuffing, to improve their search engine rankings artificially.
The content on your site is what attracts your visitors to your pages. Whether you are selling products or services, the helpful information you provide will keep them on your website and possibly come back for more.
Spiders and crawlers scan product descriptions, articles, blog entries, and even advertisements as they index your website pages.
These crawlers and spiders check the relevance of the content on your pages and whether they work with all the other elements such as links, meta tags, descriptions, and others. Rank high in search results; your content must be relevant to those other elements.
Some search engines will lower your page ranking or even delist your pages if your site’s content is not relevant or unique. Especially since blogs have become trendy, search engines check how fresh the content is and look for unique content that can only find on your website.
It doesn’t mean you can’t have static content on your page. For e-commerce sites, the product descriptions rarely change. But including other elements on the page, like reviews or product updates, will satisfy a crawler’s requirement that content change regularly.
Content is an essential part of your website and for the ranking of your site in search engine results. Therefore, take the time to develop a content plan outlining what should be included on each page of your website and how often you will update the content.
Keywords Are Crucial In Local SEO Planning
As part of a strategic Local SEO Management, keywords play a crucial part in your planning. Ideally, your keywords should appear throughout the pages several times. In the world of SEO, the rule of thumb is that amount of keywords should be between 1.5% – 2% of the size of your article per page, or one keyword per 100 words.
Keywords are part of your site content and require special attention. Selecting the right keywords takes some time to master. For example, if your website sells hair products, you might assume that “hair products” would be a perfect keyword. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
Selecting the right keywords requires a good understanding of your audience and what they might be looking for to find your website. People looking for hair products could search for “hairbrushes,” “hair-coloring,” or “hairdryer.” It could even be something entirely different, such as the name of a product featured in a commercial.
Learning which keyword is the most effective for your pages requires you to study your audience and also requires some trial and error. It’s also a good idea to use a tracking program such as Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic and track the keywords that most often lead users to your pages.